An account of the best ways to get hired after music college and make sure you have a secure paying job in your field of study.
14 Excellent Audio Engineer Interviews
We’ve found the best interviews available from the industry’s top audio engineers and producers. Take in all information you can from these legends …
Top 11 Youtube Channels For Audio Production
The 11 best youtube channels for audio production, engineering, and mastering. These channels provide hundreds of hours of free info, don’t miss out …
Jobs for Audio Engineers: The Guide
Mega list of audio jobs to help audio engineers land great gigs. We list all the different types of jobs in the industry and how you can get them …
Top 10 Audio Blogs of 2013
Check out the Top 10 Audio Blogs in 2013! There is a ton of free information out there. We rounded up the most valuable free resources for the audio …
Beginner Music Industry Jobs
Want to learn the basics of audio production? You can start with these beginner music industry jobs to get your foot in the door and learn the skills you …
Are Audio Engineers Really Musicians Too?
There is much more to be an audio engineer than just pushing buttons and pulling knobs. But are audio engineers actual musicians? Here is what we think …